cockroach control in San Antonio, Texas

Cockroaches are one of Texans’ least favorite pests to encounter in their homes. They’ll scurry across a kitchen counter or the floor and send a shiver down your spine. Unfortunately, Texas’s intense heat can be one of the biggest things attracting cockroaches, among other pests, to invade your home. Cockroaches are seeking dark and damp places as a refuge from the Texas spring and summer climate.

And when cockroaches do enter your home, it’s bad news. They reproduce quickly, bring diseases, and are perhaps the most resilient pest. To beat the pest, you need to know the pest. That’s why Urban Texas Pest Control breaks down the most common cockroaches in Texas and what you can do to prevent them. 

Trustworthy Cockroach Control Texas

Of course, if your cockroach problem gets too out of your hand (or if you’re looking for professional, proactive pest control), don’t hesitate to contact Urban Texas Pest Control to quickly and effectively eradicate your infestation. We offer longtime warranties and guarantees, so you know you’re getting the best pest control.

American Cockroaches

The biggest household-infesting roach in the U.S., American cockroaches grow to 1.5 inches. You’ll typically spot them indoors in kitchens or bathrooms or outdoors in gardens, the particularly moist areas. These cockroaches have yellowish heads with mahogany bodies.

German Cockroaches

The German cockroach is probably the most common cockroach in Texas. Interestingly enough, it’s also the smallest of the Texas cockroaches. So, this means it has even easier access to enter a home. German cockroaches have wings, although they can’t fly, and dark brown bodies with two horizontal stripes.

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches have dark, smooth bodies. Similar to German cockroaches, oriental cockroaches have wings but cannot fly. They primarily stay outdoors, in gardens or garbage cans, but they do venture indoors. Specifically, oriental cockroaches can travel through pipes and drains.

Brown-banded Cockroaches

These cockroaches get their name because they have light bands across their body. The males can fly while the females cannot. Brown-banded cockroaches uniquely prefer warm, dry locations. For that reason, they typically won’t infiltrate your home but you can see them around your property.

Smoky Brown Cockroaches

Many confuse smoky brown cockroaches with American cockroaches, but you can’t miss the American cockroaches’ size. Plus, smoky brown cockroaches have shiner and more light brown bodies. They can also fly short distances, so if they do get indoors they’re even more of a nuisance.

How to Prevent Texas Cockroaches

To keep cockroaches out of your home, there are several things you can do.

As mentioned, cockroaches want dark, damp areas to shelter themselves. This means cutting down on the moisture in your home and decluttering areas will disincentivize them from entering and staying. Cleaning regularly and putting a dehumidifier in dark areas, like your attic or basement, work well. Similarly, taking out the garbage, putting tight lids on food, and recycling cardboard will eliminate other reasons why pests enter.

Yet, the most important preventative measure you want to take is properly sealing off your home. Cockroaches, especially with their small size and persistence, enter through cracks, holes, and crevices along a home’s exterior. Use caulk or other sealants to close any potential entryways. A professional pest control inspection can help pinpoint likely areas of entry for pests.

Get a Free Inspection – Contact Urban Texas Pest Control

The best way to stop cockroaches is to keep them out from the start. And there’s no better way to do that than professional pest control. Urban Texas Pest Control is ready to help keep you and your family safe. Contact us today for a free inspection.

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